Easy Starter Reads for a Young, Catholic Gentleman
Become a Virtuous Man | Become Like Christ
Book 1 – No Excuses
The Rule – St. Benedict of Nursia
Stop requiring justification for everything you do and using your inability to convince yourself to do something as an excuse to keep doing nothing. Do not be idle. Read The Rule and learn about the discipline, obedience, rigor, dedication, and commitment that has been exercised by monks for hundreds of years. Monks commit their lives to prayer and ask for nothing in return other than grace and mercy.
Step into the world of true spirituality and journey into deeper relationship with God. Look into The Benedict Option by Rod Dreyer for additional exposition on St. Benedict’s Rule.

Book 2 – Good & Evil
Out of the Silent Planet – C.S. Lewis
This short book is an enjoyable, epic and easy read but it introduces Lewis’ (arguably overtly) allegorical fiction series, the Space Trilogy. Wondering about space and life on other worlds is not new to the 21st century – and it even lends insight into the oldest tale of all: Good vs. Evil.
There are dark forces abound in our everyday lives and all throughout our world. If you work or plan to work in an scientific or industrial industry, when you finish this list return here to finish the Space Trilogy.

Book 3 – The Mind
Notes from Underground – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Stop being an underground man. Dostoyevsky is an essential source for a man to study but much of his work is difficult for a new reader.
Another resource for starting with Dostoyevsky is Darryl Coopers talk comparing him with Nietzsche.

Book 4 – Physicality
The Comfort Crisis – Michael Easter
Respect all of God’s creation, including your own body. Christ showed us that pain and suffering can very well be a part of glorious redemption. You were made to do great things which requires being able to carry a heavy burden, both physically and psychologically. Michael Easter talks about how to do just that, and also the issues one might face if he does not.

Book 5 – Self-Conscience
Ego Is the Enemy – Ryan Holiday
An academic will introduce Western Philosophy with Plato’s work on Socrates, but that can be very complex and turn men away. It seems few men are unaware of their own ego and if left unchecked it can destroy your life. Ryan Holiday offers a practical entrance into the philosophies that have guided the greatest men for hundreds of years.
Dive into this book and see if you don’t come out with multiple vectors on lives and ideas to learn more about. And remember, for whatever comes next, Ego is the Enemy.

Book 6 – Endurance
The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexander Dumas
Made into four films, the story within is one of the most gripping tales of all time. As a period piece, it delves you into events of 19th century France following the churn of the French Revolution, around the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. Where history meets fiction, the Counts is an admirable hero for any young man looking to make his own life an adventure.
Important note – The previous books have all been short reads in order to help you gain momentum. However, this book is extremely long. To grow as a reader you need to exercise your reading endurance and this is a great book to do just that.
A physical book will be huge, and the vocabulary and pronunciation may be insurmountable to a novice reader. For this reason, listening to the audiobook will greatly alleviate the difficulty. The narration by Homewood is fantastic.